Sunday, May 23, 2010

House of Frankenstar

If you like the design above, and think it'd look nice on a shirt,
please click the image & sign up (no spam site)to Impact Threads
and vote "i'd buy it" (it WON'T make you buy it. just click that part)...
only if you like it though. thanks

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

STATION! - Fantastic Cinematic (the album thus far)

<a href="">So Very Close by STATION!</a>

Destination Ursa Major!

Click the image to vote for this design!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tank Girl: Hairy Heroes!

i suppose this is a bit of "Fan art" although i dread the term.
it is what it is. check Rufus Dayglo's blog for more Tank Girl fun
(he's the illustrator behind the current TG).